The BBC has a network of 40 local radio stations in the UK, and there’s been a proposal to reduce the amount of local content produced by the network of local stations. If the plan was to go ahead, stations would keep their breakfast and drivetime shows, but during the day and overnight, would broadcast BBC 5 Live.
The BBC has been quick to point out that no decision has yet been made, and this is just one of the cost-cutting ideas being discussed.
You can find more on this story here: Guardian website
5 Live? Got to be one of the worst BBC offerings of all time. Heck, repeat the World Service if they *Have* to do it, at least that’s more interesting than anything on 5Live.
I supose the suicide rate going up among housebound pensioners might save HMG money in other ways, so hidden agenda?
Just what do we pay our licence for anyway.