Vanished Channels
The following two channels have disappeared:
- Channel 62 – TV Stars
Channel 90 – TV News
These two channels have always been something of a mystery. These channels appear to be registered in the name of “Cellcast Group”, and appeared as part of the Freeview Channel List in April 2012. We’ve been told that channels that fail to launch within a set period of time lose their place in the Freeview lineup, and their removal either indicates that the service isn’t now expected to launch any time soon, or is ahead of the big Freeview channel reshuffle set for the 19th of September.
Moved Channel
For some unknown reason, Al Jazeera English has moved from channel 89 to channel 84, putting it ahead of Russia Today, instead of behind it. Odd, but there you go.
New channels:
- Channel 113 has been renamed from “Connect 1 to “Christian“. This is an Internet TV service from Connect TV
- Channel 115 has been renamed from Connect 3 to “Vision 2“. This is a part of the Vision Network and offers 19 channels of Arabic and Muslin content. Content will be free-to-air for the first two months. This is an Internet TV service from Connect TV
- Channel 119 has appeared, labelled as “Connect 4” – Nothing to do with the counter-based game, we assume!
- Channel 120, labelled “God TV” has appeared. This is an Internet TV service from Connect TV
- Channel 121, labelled “Sony SAB” has appeared. This is an Internet TV service from Connect TV
We’ll keep you updated with any more information as we get it.