The new channel is set to appear on both Sky and Virgin’s digital TV platform , giving Heat a magazine, website, radio station and TV channel. The channel will carry a mixture of rolling celebrity news and music videos. The channel is a joint venture between Bauer Media and Channel 4, and we understand that this new channel will replace music channel Q.
The information we’ve received indicates that social media will form a big part of what Heat TV has to offer, with the audience being encouraged to send in feedback on the music and celebrity stories by Twitter.
Heat TV will launch on 3 July. Music videos will run alongside news stories and links to social networks, with viewers invited to comment on Twitter. Heat TV will also run biography series “Real Stories”, and something called “Heatometer”, which is Heat’s pick of the twenty biggest music videos
Any comments on the arrival of Heat? Type away in the box below, or have your say in our forum: New Music Channel Heat: July 2012
i cant wait but i dont want it replace channel Q