The text service Teletext Holidays left Freeview today, the 1st of October 2012
This marks the end of 15 years of the TV text-based holiday breaks service. Until recently, the service was operated by the Daily Mail. The owners made the following statement recently:
“Teletext Holidays has been a television platform for over 15 years, and will continue this trend within digital only platforms developing apps and platforms for Smart or connected TVs, but has decided to relinquish its Freeview 101 channels at the end of September 2012.
The channel, on Freeview channel 201 has been renamed “Holidays TV”, and will apparently continue to offer holiday information and offers, but under new ownership. As of the 1st of October, channel 201 points to a message that “this page is not in use”

The original Teletext service launched in 1993, competing with the BBC’s Ceefax service. It stayed on-air until 2010, before shutting down all but the Holidays service, which was available on the digital platforms.